What I’m Currently Watching on YouTube EP. 2
I watch a lot of YouTube and I mean A LOT! So since absolutely no one asked, I decided to document and share the very basic, academic-y, funny, sad and strange things I find on there :) This is episode 2 of ‘The Things I’ve been watching recently.’ (Here’s episode 1)
Jess Owens
Books are my Social Life
Caleb Joseph
books by leynes
Merphy Napier
Comedy & Comedic Commentary
Drew Gooden
Danny Gonzalez
Joe Santagato
Cody Ko
Fun History
Jon Solo
Sam O’Nella Academy
Overly Saracastic Productions
CGP Grey
What are you currently watching? Write ‘Subscribe to my channel’ if you scrolled this far down XD
You can always get in touch with me through my email and socials linked below. If it is within your means, consider supporting me on Ko-fi for just $1 to keep the blog going too :)
Happy holidays! 😊