I give training on data journalism
Training journalists and journalism students
I have trained journalists in Kisumu, Mombasa and Malindi for the Media Council of Kenya, the Kenya Editor's Guild, Kenya Community Media Network (KCOMNET), Aga Khan University and at various Journalism institutions such as Citizen TV, Tuko Media, Capital FM, Daystar University, Riara University and PAC University.
My talk at the csv,conf,v5 (2020) covered the topic of data archival from a journalist's perspective.
My talk at the csv,conf,v4 (2019) event covered the tips & tricks of community-sourcing for open data.
I was part of a panel on robot journalism in the Global South in 2018 at the International Journalism Festival. I spoke about using air quality sensors to detect levels of air pollution as well as satellite imagery and forensic analysis of social media photos/videos to debunk military propaganda about combat in difficult to reach places, such as Somalia and Kenya.
[Click picture to watch video] Digitalisation and globalisation have sparked radical shifts in how we work and COVID-19 has accelerated these beyond anything we could have imagined, leaving many feeling uncertain about what the future holds for them at work. What skills do we need as we look ahead into the unknown? I was part of this panel in 2020.