How to write good essays for your school applications
It’s a race against time
[4 min. read]
Are you currently struggling with writing a motivational essay for a scholarship or university that you're applying for? Is the process making you consider tearing out your eyes and howling at the moon along with the dogs in your neighbourhood at the strike of midnight? Then you're in the right place!
(Or maybe you're just preparing to write such an essay someday, that's OK too.)
Essay writing is one of the most frustrating parts of the application process. Filling in your bio-data, writing your CV, that’s a breeze. But having to show a piece of your soul while simultaneously doing what amounts to a sales pitch to an unknown and unseen human or group of humans is something else entirely.
The most common types of essays you will write include:
Cover letter
Motivational letter
Personal statement
Autobiographical statement
Professional Essay
Those are a few of the more common ones I’ve come across and despite the different wording, they’re all asking the same thing. “Out of everyone who applied, why should we give you the scholarship/admission?”
Damn. That’s hard to justify.
But you have to do it. Usually in 250-700 words.
Here are some tips on how I go about writing these essays.
Don’t write in SMS language, but also don’t write in academic language. You’re human so try and sound like one, not an AI that is writing a motivational letter.
It’s hard to strike that balance but try. Don’t deliberately sound smart and don't use buzzwords.
This, in my humble opinion, is what makes or breaks a motivational letter. Be as specific about your goals as possible
How will this school programme help you achieve them? Not just that it will forward your career, that’s obvious. What else?
Do you want a particular job like being a Systems Analyst at company X? Or a PRO at company Y?
Or do you want to start up your own company? Or is there particular research you want to do? Get as granular as possible! It shows you’ve really thought through this
And then show how in particular the school’s program will help you achieve this goal. Look for the curriculum and the courses you will go through. Mention the ones that are of particular interest to you and tie them back to your goals.
Be human
You’re not perfect - show that in some way
For example, when choosing the specific specialization for the Master’s program I’m currently doing, I expressed my initial confusion and walked them through how I made my final decision
It all boils down to portraying the critical thinking you’ve put into this decision. Everyone applying wants better job prospects, but what specific additional things do you want to do with the degree?
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