Big-Name University or No-name University?
This is not a univeristy, it’s a church in France but in my defence lots of universities in Europe look like churches!
[4 min. read]
In early October 2021, I started off a series where I’ll be discussing the process of applying for Master’s degrees abroad as I share my experience, insights and opinions on how you can get accepted into a program of your choice too.
Last time we talked about a few tips when taking the initial steps to finding and sending out your applications.
This time I would like to address something that will pop up in your mind as soon as you get serious about setting your sights on universities abroad. Should you go for a big-name university (the Harvards and Yales of this world) or a lesser-known university?
I think the first thing is to shed the mentality that there is any right or wrong or best or worst answer to this question. A big-name university will look great on your CV and that may get you hired (that’s what I hear, anyway) and if that’s all you care about, then go for it! There’s no shame in that being your primary reason for applying for a graduate degree. In fact, isn’t that why we all do it? To get more qualifications that will help us get better, higher-paying jobs?
If however there’s a specific skill you are actually looking to learn from your post-graduate degree, then focus on that instead and go to the university that will provide you with that experience, regardless of prestige. In all professions, several niches exist. And not all universities will offer that particular niche you are looking for. Therefore, let that be your guiding light in sifting through the many scholarship programs you will come across. You may be led to an experience that will change your life.
Also! You might still be led to the big-name universities through other avenues.
I applied to Stanford University, Columbia University and also to the Erasmus Mundus Journalism program which takes place in 2 European countries, Denmark then either the Netherlands, Czech Republic or the UK depending on what specialization you pick for your second year. As someone who loves to travel, the Erasmus program was calling to me the most. I remember telling my mum, after I’d sent out all the applications, how that’s the one I was hoping for the most. The other 2 are definitely bigger names by far, but as someone who loves travel (like really loves travel), the latter was more appealing to me. I felt guilty for feeling this, though. Shouldn’t I want to get into one of the bigger name universities? And so when I got into the Erasmus program (on my second try), I was super excited. My mum assured me that what mattered was I got what I want and the big names will find me in other ways.
And guess what? In the summer of 2021 I got accepted and attended a certificate program with Columbia! Superpowers, unlocked!
Pay attention to what you really want, not what you think other people will think is better for you.
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